Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hezekiah and Today

We went to Hezekiah's tunnel. Hezekiah had it built in the 8th century BC. It brings the water from the Gihon spring into the city and feeds the pool of Shiloam. They found the pool just a few years ago. Jesus taught there. John 7-9 (maybe) is a sermon he gave while at the pool of Shiloam during Sukhot (sp?). Right now, the jews are celebrating Sukhot, so that is pretty cool. It used to be a pretty big deal. The tunnel is full of water and I sloshed through it in my bare feet. I am still wet. It was a blast. I might go again sometime before I leave.

Today, we went to the separation wall. It was interesting and depressing. Our Arabic teacher asked us what we thought and we said it was interesting and educational. He responded, "It is horrible." He said there are 20 year old men who have never left their small city and cannot leave. For some, it is a very large prison. Our guide, a famous Israeli political advisor is against the wall, but said that it has decreased suicide bombings. They need to start talking about peace.



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