Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Lots happened in Bethlehem. The Herodian, one of Herod's palaces sits on a hilltop where you can see the dead sea, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem. The Bar Kokhba Revolt of 135 AD headquartered in the Herodian. You could see the tunnels they used to hide in and attack from. They also recently found Herod's grave there. We took lots of pictures.

We spent a few hours in Bethlehem University with the students there. They showed us a video about a girl who lived in Gaza, but could not go to school. They took her case to the Israel Supreme Court, but they told her that she could not come to school. The other people in Gaza also can't go to school. It takes an hour to get from Jerusalem to Bethlehem University (7 miles away). It is a christian university with about 70% Muslims. They loved talking to us because we are from America.

The church of the Nativity is the oldest active church in the world. It has been running since Justinian built it in the 6th Century. Jerome translated the Vulgate Bible into Latin from the original documents inside the caves below the church. The caves are near Bethlehem and Jesus was probably born in the cave, or in one nearby like it. We sang Christmas songs and looked down into the cave. It is hard to feel the spirit with tons of tourists taking pictures, but I tried to remember lots of smelly animals and a small baby.

After leaving Bethlehem, we went to a Shepherd's field nearby and looked out over the city. As we sang Christmas hymns, sheep walked right behind us. It felt amazing to consider the shepherds sitting down, looking up into the same stars and seeing angels of God declare the good news. We had some time to think there. I love living in this special place.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and I love the new photos. I wish I had been able to go to Bethlehem. I am grateful to live were many people can live together with different beliefs and go 7 miles to school whenever they want. I am grateful to live in a little town relatively without violence or fear of it. I am glad you got to meet other students. love mom
