Monday, September 26, 2011

Israeli Cultural Center

Today we went to the Israeli Cultural Center :). Just kidding, but Thomas joked that it was kind of like the Polynesian Cultural Center. We herded sheep and ground up Hyssop. I learned a lot about different kinds of plants mentioned in the Bible. They had many different varieties of little grass huts. I forget what they were called. I got to wear the breastplate while someone read the Torah. I don't know exactly what the point of the breastplate was, but it was very heavy. It reminded me of holding the shield at youth conference when I was a kid.

Some of the plants had very typological meaning that I did not know about. For instance, Abraham, David, and Christ all tasted Hyssop at significant moments. It symbolizes humility because it is a very small plant (like a weed) here in the holy land. I have some now. It tastes all right. We also talked about how almonds symbolize determination. I learned what a cistern does and that many of the romantic stories in the old testament occur at wells in ancient Israel. I think herding the sheep was my favorite part though.

I fell asleep during the bus ride home. I have a bunch of homework due tomorrow, so I will get started on that now.



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