Friday, September 16, 2011

Schindler, Ramparts, and Trees

Today we went to see Schindler's grave. He saved about 1900 Jews lives during WW2. I didn't know the story, but it was amazing. It is cool that one man could make so large a difference. At the same time, one man also led to the death of almost 6 million Jews. We also walked around the city on the ramparts. We saw a big contrast between East and West Jerusalem. I am learning about Islam and it is very interesting. It is interesting to me how little we talk about it in the church. I believe the church wants to hold off until we can go into those countries legally.
Yesterday, I didn't get to go out into the city. I am still feeling sick and I took a long nap. They also schedule our day in a way that makes it difficult to go out sometimes. We don't have public transportation, so it is hard. Anyways, I played basketball last night and I have a giant blister. I put a bandaid on it, but it is still uncomfortable.
Also, I ran into a tree today. I was walking and watching someone else talk. It had a metal grate around it and I hit the tree with my whole body. It scratched up my hands pretty good. I took a picture. My right ring finger still hurts. My face is okay though.

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